“The Task At Hand”

Written by gregdenham on May 18th, 2015

For years I loved watching Tyronne Willingham, the head football Coach at Stanford University, lead his team during a football game. I was so inspired by how resolute and calm he remained amidst the highly emotional ups and downs, and the victories and disappointments, that occurred during a three hour game! 

Coach Willingham, later coached at Notre Dame and eventually at the University of Washington, where he recruited our son Greg. It was then that I had the chance to spend some time with him and ask him how he was able to keep his composure and good attitude on the sidelines? In effect he answered, “My focus is not on the past, nor the future – but always on the play that is right before us.”

Famed Alabama Coach Nick Sabans said something similar, “Don’t think about winning the SEC Championship. Don’t think about the National Championship. Think about what you need to do in this drill, on this play, in this moment. That’s the process: Let’s think about what we can do today – the task at hand!”

Yes! “Let’s think about what we can do today – the task at hand!” 


So, let’s apply that principle, in the face of some very important questions:

Question: “How is the world going to be reached for the Gospel?”
Answer: “One person at a time!” That’s the task at hand!

Question: “How is the local church going to be strengthened?”
Answer: “With each Christian being responsible to do their part.” That’s the task at hand!

Question:“How is the family strengthened in America?”
Answer: “With godly leadership in the home!” That’s the task at hand!

Question: “How will revival take place in the church?”
Answer: “When a Christian gives room to the Holy Spirit in their life!” That’s the task at hand!

Today, focus on the “task at hand” as we “pray-our-hearts-out” during our ten days of prayer.

Perspectives on Prayer….

#1 Prayer is like “time exposure with the Lord”– an intimate and loving relationship!
#2 Prayer is about getting God’s will in heaven, here on earth.
#3 Prayer says “Lord, I am dependent upon your power and I am available for you to work through my life!”

We love you and you are in our prayers!

1 Comments so far ↓

  1. Todd says:

    Really hit the nail on the head here. I love this. The task at hand…words to live by.

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