February, 2011

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What’s Happening In Our World Today?

Thursday, February 24th, 2011

What’s happening in our world today?

The courageous stand taken by thousands in Egypt, Libya and Iran is incredibly inspiring! Men and women fighting for justice and freedom.

Some background …

The Arab world is behind in history approximately 50 years. Sadly, at the dawn of the 21st century, there were 60 million illiterate adults in the Arab world, the majority of whom were women. Education, freedom and women’s empowerment are the three huge deficits that make up the Arab world that has been insulated by the same Kings and Dictators for 50 years! Why?

What is keeping the Arab world “dumbed down”, “in the dark”, “backwards?”

The answer in one word is — Islam!

It’s why Mosab Yousef writes,“…today’s despots bear a striking likeness to the true Muhammad. Mubarak, Gaddafi, Ben Ali, Ahmadinejad are Islamic leaders who get their strength from Islam and maintain their iron grip by Islam. They are the same stripe as caliphs from Muhammad and Abu Bakr to Al-Mustansir Billah and Abdul Majid.” He continues, “…only when Muhammad and the Qur’an are exposed will the people of North Africa and the Middle East have freedom. If we fail to reach them with the truth, they will rebuild far worse regimes than those they tore down.”

Today, genuine follower’s of Jesus Christ, “Get IT!”

Get IT?

They understand that there is a fight for the minds of men, women, boys and girls. They understand that ideas are important. They understand that what a person believes has consequences. They understand that it is the “truth shall set you free”. And genuine followers of Jesus Christ, fight the fight! They fight the good fight of faith. They fight the fight of Truth! They fight the fight “For God so loved the world that He gave HIs Son that whosever would believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life!” They take a stand for the Gospel! And, in the day of the, “all-seeing-eye of technology”, in the day of greater global inter-dependence, in the day when the world is hungry for answers and desperate — Jesus Christ follower’s “GET IT” and “LIVE IT!”

As believers we understand where the world is headed, what the world will look like and who will remain standing. We understand that God values every human being and loves every human being enough not to leave them the way they are. We understand that the church is the salt, light and laborers in our generation. We understand that it is the Gospel that is the power of God to transform and heal and redeem. We understand that prior to the return of Jesus Christ that God will even send angels to preach the Gospel not willing that any should perish.  We understand that everything is moving toward an eternal kingdom! We understand that in the darkest moment of history that Jesus Christ will appear! He will come! He is the Savior(of man and the world). He is the Judge (of evil and injustice). He is the Lord and King who will establish His Kingdom on earth. A Christian “GET’S IT”! They know that Jesus Christ is the LORD and they’re unashamed of the Gospel, which is the power of God to salvation to everyone who believes. Like the Hebrews boys in Babylon, they bow only to the true and living God!

Not only does a follower of Jesus Christ, “Get IT” but “LIVES IT!”

As believers we understand that there is a glory to live for. We  know that nothing lasts forever –with the exception of the will of God, what we do for God, the Word of God, the Kingdom of God, and the man and woman of God! This wisdom provides us the right navigation for life. Our life is not wasted in self indulgence and consumerism, but lived to God’s glory – to know Jesus Christ and make Him known in this generation! We understand that we are our brother’s keeper. We understand what is temporal vs. what is eternal, so it frees us up to enjoy the moment, live in the moment, and stand for Jesus Christ in the moment. We understand that there are seasons to life which enable us to make the transitions with victory getting better rather than bitter! We understand what the right allegiance is. Our loyalties are in order, and because of that we have confidence and courage to stand before any man, institution or threat. We are not paralyzed by fear, but freed by genuine faith! We follow Jesus Christ not because He is a means to an end, but because He is TRUE, and we’re proud to be “Jesus Christ Followers!”

But, in order to “Live IT” we have to, “Get IT!”

Do you “Get IT?”

That’s what the next four-five weeks on Sunday morning’s are dedicated to. We’re going to be trained in Christian growth and discipleship by studying six main passages of Scripture; Dan 1-4; Revelation 18; II Thess. 2; Matthew 24, Acts 1 and I Thess. 4. We’re going to be challenged to “Get IT” and “LIVE IT”. The new Sunday morning series is entitled, “Jesus Christ Followers Get it, and Live it!”

The world is watching. Let’s “GET IT” and “LIVE IT” to the glory of God!

See you Sunday.

pastor Greg