Messianic Seal

Written by gregdenham on May 7th, 2010

It has been “off-the-charts” today in Jerusalem!

For years I’ve hoped to visit the location where the “Messianic Seal” was etched in the wall of a first century meeting place on Mt. Zion.

Today, we found it! I couldn’t believe it. This treasure location is practically abandoned!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the symbol I am referring to, it is made up of three parts: a Menorah, Star Of David and a Fish.

It is the earliest symbol associated with the “church” in Jerusalem. Some argue that over a period of time that the Menorah was removed, then the Star of David, leaving only the Fish, which we’re all more familiar with in association with Christianity, but reflecting erosion of consciousness of the roots of the faith.

Aside from the garden tomb, Calvary and the Kidron Valley — this site is my favorite!

Tears welled up pondering the possibility that this was a site the early church met, and that the Apostles perhaps even played a role in the shape of the “Messianic Seal” itself  and that one of them maybe even etched it on the wall!?

Well, I hope you enjoy the picture and a few of these comments.

I want to thank all of you who are reading our updates and leaving comments. It’s a total blessing!

We send our love from Jerusalem and we are praying for you!

5 Comments so far ↓

  1. Sarah says:

    Wow!! I’m so happy you got to have this experiance– miss you guys beyond words, love you!!!

    Enjoy enjoy enjoy!!!!


  2. Liz Kiener says:

    Greg…I found this link online that goes into great detail regarding the Messianic Seal and
    the significance it represents to ALL believers. Those following the journey may enjoy reading this. Thank you for an experience of a lifetime!!

  3. Jeff Martin says:

    As we talked before you left, when I was at the Reagan Library there was a sense of awe knowing that he and many other world leaders had walked that same ground! I can only imagine the overwhelming feeling it must be to walk the same ground as our Lord and the great apostles! To see where it all began! We truly are a part of something much bigger than ourselves!!
    Praying for you and miss you guys!

  4. Shelly says:

    I am so blessed to read of your journey! What a treasure to be experiencing! Thank you for taking the time to share with all of us!
    You are in my prayers!
    Love you and look forward to seeing more pictures and hearing more about your time there in Israel!!
    God bless you!!!!

  5. Cathy Cross says:

    What a blessing! My eyes welled up too just reading your message about the messianic seal! It was great to hear your voice this morning in church service…the voice of our loving shepherd, our pastor! Will be praying for you and Lily (hope she is feeling better) as you travel home! Love and blessings to you both! Cathy

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