How To Find The Right Person

Written by gregdenham on May 5th, 2011

It’s good to blog again. I haven’t written in a while, I’ve been swamped!

We experienced an incredible Resurrection Sunday witnessing some 30 people receive and recommit their life to the Lord Jesus. It was one of the most fruitful responses on a Resurrection Weekend that we’ve seen over the years. It was very exciting. Praise the Lord!

As many of know, last Sunday we began a new series of Bible studies on “God’s Wisdom For Relationships”. It was a fantastic time!  But this Sunday, which is Mother’s Day(don’t forget!), we’re going to explore Biblical principles on “How To Find The Right Person(Dating, Love And Sex)? Obviously, this is a message primarily directed to those who are unmarried. However, indirectly it is a message for us all and we will all benefit from it, why? Because all of us have either a sibling, son or daughter, a grand-child, or a friend who is or will be dating –trying to find the “Right Person” and we can be a godly influence in the process.

In case you missed the first message in the new series, below are the main themes that we learned and developed which lay the foundation for the rest of the series. We will be building on these themes in the weeks to come!

#1 None of us have been through life before. And, yet, this is not a dress-rehearsal. Therefore, we need wisdom which is the right application for life. Perspective: a life without the application of wisdom would be like hiring a guide to climb Mt Everest who had never been there before.

#2 One of the most important areas that wisdom is needed is relationships! Would you not agree, that some of the greatest blessings in life and the greatest bummers in life are linked to relationships?

#3 The Bible places a huge emphasis upon relationships and no wonder because one of the greatest needs and blessings in life are harmonious and healthy relationships.

#4 There are specific “ingredients” that contribute to healthy and harmonious relationships that you want to make sure are in the “mix” of your life.

Ingredient #1 Teachability  (Prov 9:9; Pr 12:15)

Ingredient #2 Strength Before Honor (Pr 31:25)

Ingredient #3 Put a “10” over people’s heads (value and esteem human relationships!)

Ingredient #4 do what YOU can to be at peace (Romans 12:18)

Ingredient #5 add Forgiveness

Ingredient #6 add Respect (1 Peter 2:17)

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