God Multiplies What You Give Him!

Written by gregdenham on October 18th, 2012

Have you ever thought, “What do I have to give?” “What contribution can I make?” “Would it even make a difference?” We’ve all asked these questions at one time or another. But what are we really saying?

More often it is not that we don’t have anything to give, but we have concluded that what we do have to give, is irrelevant and perhaps even worthless.

Was this how the disciples felt when Jesus turned to them and said in effect, “Alright, I want you to feed the five thousand!” Feed the five thousand!? It would take nearly a year’s wages. Plus, when they gathered what they did have, five loaves and two fish, you have to wonder if they thought was it even worth mentioning. “Lord you want us to feed 5,000 people and here’s what we have, five loaves of bread and two fish.” Embarrassing, right? Wrong!

And here’s why: the Lord will work with what you give Him. In fact, He will multiply what you give Him! So, ask yourself, “Am I giving the Lord something to work with?”

The Lord is able to take what is small and do something great with it! Give Him your  availability. Your attention. Your resources. Your faith. Your life! He is able to do above what we could ever ask or think. God multiplies what we give to Him to His glory!

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