“Break-Thru” (The “Want” Factor)

Written by gregdenham on May 17th, 2010

Does it strike you as a bit odd that Jesus asked a man who had been paralyzed for 38 years, “Do you want to be made well?” (John 5:1-12)

It may seem like a rhetorical question, but it is not.

The Lord wants to bring “Break-Thru” into our lives. He’s building His Kingdom from the inside out. But it’s important to realize that there is God’s part and there is our part.

The reality is that not everyone wants God’s best for their life. So, to ask, “Do you want to be made well?” is a legitimate question.

Maybe one of the reasons Jesus asked this question was because in some places in the Middle East a man who was healed would lose a good living. Was such the case with this man? Was he comfortable in his condition? Did he ever look through the porticos of the pool realizing that if he was healed his life would face larger responsibilities?

The question of whether we want God’s best is a legitimate question.

The reason the “WANT factor” is so important is because the GROWTH and RENEWAL that the Lord wants to bring in your life requires some PERMISSION on your part.

What’s your “WANT” factor look like on a scale of 1-10? Do you want change? Do you want to be delivered? Do you want a new beginning? Do you want transformation? The man Jesus was speaking with suffered from a physical handicap. But there are other types of PARALYSES! There is the crippling of BITTERNESS! There is the crippling of LUST! There is the crippling of just being COMFORTABLE with where you’re at undermining potential growth!

As strange as it may seem there are people who do not want help! They like the lifestyle they have chosen. They are comfortable to be in darkness. And, other’s will “play the victim”. They want others to feel sorry for them. They crave the attention that it brings them!

Ultimately, our WANT factor is revealed by how we believe and act upon the Word of God.

For this man, Jesus said, “Rise, take up your bed and walk!” And, he did. The paralyzed man received the authoritative command of Jesus, believed it, and acted upon it, and was healed!

What about you?

What has brought paralyses to your life?

What has held you over the years?

Jesus came to bring “Break-Thru!” Today, “Rise, take up your _____ and walk!” Walk with Jesus in victory because in Christ you have the victory!

5 Comments so far ↓

  1. Mitch Anders says:

    Right on target! What an ecouragement. Thank you pastor Greg.

  2. Eric Nixon says:


  3. Will Adams says:

    That is such a great message! Rise, pick up your bed and walk! Such power in that verse. Very humbling!

  4. Barbara Reed says:

    This message was wonderful, as all of your messages are. I believe that is because you love the Lord and you teach from the Bible. I could sit for hours and listen to you preach from the Bible. God bless you and your family, and may He bless your ministry wonderfully!

    Love in Christ,
    Barbara Reed

  5. Jan Kapple Klein says:

    me again bro .. totally off the subject but only place to comment .. Greg, your SONGS??? AMAZING, and Sarah singing “Safety at Your Feet … I CRY!!! You have to do more with those, with Sarah singing … word! all my love to you guys!!!

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