January, 2013

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He First Stirs His People To Pray

Thursday, January 17th, 2013

It’s been an incredible time of prayer on Wednesday nights with the church family and I am reminded that when God wants to do something great in the world, He first stirs his people to pray! This was the case with the early church. Prior to Pentecost when Peter preached the Gospel and 3,000 turned to Jesus in Jerusalem, the early church had been in prayer for 10 days!

And I think of what took place during the “Jesus Movement” of the late 60′s and early 70′s …

Kay Smith, Chuck Smith’s wife, began praying. She prayed for hippies! Hippies she would see at the beach and around town. One of them happened to be none other than Greg Laurie. She would pray for Greg as he walked home from school.

I also think of the “Revival In Wales “ 1904 …

A young man by the name of Evan Roberts heard one of the men in his church pray, “Lord, bend us …” It resonated with him. He began praying, “Lord bend me” and the Lord did and it changed his outlook. Soon he was praying the Lord would give him 100,000 souls!

On October 31, 1904 Evan brought his four-point message to his home church. #1 “Is there any sin in your past that you have not confessed to God? On your knees at once. Your past must be put away, and yourself cleansed.” #2 Is there anything in your life that is doubtful – anything that you cannot decide whether it is good or evil? Away with it. There must NOT be a cloud between you and God. #3 Do what the Holy Spirit prompts you to do. Obey promptly, implicitly, and with unquestioning submission to God’s Spirit. #4 Publicly profess Christ as your Savior.

His cry became “Bend the church and save the world!”

As matter of public record, the culture in Wales changed! Taverns closed. Gambling went out of business. Prostitution houses shut down. Families were reunited. Friendships restored. Debts paid. Divisions in churches were healed.

I encourage you, set time aside intentionally in the Lord’s presence, with an open Bible and an open heart. Be like Moses who said, “Here I am …” And remember, while the Lord wants to impact the world by people coming to know Jesus Christ and having an intimate relationship with Him, it begins with you and it begins with, me. 

The Lord is with you, and loves you!


Prayer And Fasting

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

Often in the Bible, God’s people fasted immediately before a major victory, miracle, or answer to prayer. It prepared them for a blessing! Jesus fasted. In fact, Jesus expected His followers to fast, and He said that God rewards fasting.

However, fasting is not commanded by God, it is totally voluntary!

What is fasting?

Fasting, according to the Bible, means to voluntarily reduce or eliminate your intake of food for a specific time and purpose accompanied with prayer. As we begin 2013, I want to invite you to participate in what we’re calling a “First Fruits Fast” from Jan. 7th-26th.

The purpose is 5-fold:

#1 To give the Lord the “First Fruits” of your attention in 2013 by saying, “Lord speak to me!”

#2 Re-fall-in-love with Jesus! “…but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.” (2 Peter 3:18)

#3 Get ahold of the churches “12 Core Values/ Beliefs” and pray accordingly.

#4 Pray for your loved one’s and those who need Christ.

#5 To take a prayerful stand that as you face the year 2013 — the source of your life, strength and provision is the Lord who is faithful!

You can fast and pray in a variety of ways (before beginning any fast, be sure to consult your physician).

#1 There is the “Full Fast” – which is drink only.

#2 There is the “Daniel Fast” – which is: no meat, no sweets, no bread (only water, juice and vegetables).

#3 There is the “Partial Fast” – from 6:00 am to 3:00 pm (or from sunrise to sundown) – which can be a “Full Fast”, “Daniel Fast” or where you give up at least one type of food.

The type of fast that you choose, the length of the fast, and whether or not you choose to fast at all, is entirely up to you.

Onward in 2013 confident in God’s unfailing love and provision!

The Lord is AWE-SOME!